Super Bowl Sunday is always a fun day to get together with friends to root on your favorite team. Of course this year is different. Large groups are not allowed to gather because of Covid-19. But [...]
Although the Covid-19 lockdowns led to huge reductions in traffic and fewer car crashes this spring, the crashes became deadlier in some cities as drivers sped on quieter roads. In New York City [...]
It would be nice if fewer traffic fatalities was the silver lining to the Covid Pandemic, at least partially offsetting the over twelve thousand New Jerseyans who have succumbed to the virus. But [...]
“Street Smart NJ” targets speed, distractedness and safety awareness for motorists and pedestrians The Street Smart campaign kicked-off today, Tuesday September 12, with earlier safety [...]
The National Highway Traffic Safety (NHTSA) launched the “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” national campaign on August 16, and the campaign will continue until September 4, 2017. The campaign and [...]
Parents, take some time next week to start the driving risks conversation with your teen. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration ( NHTSA) designated October 18th to October 24th Teen [...]