October is Walk to School Month! Walk to School Month is a great reason to plan fun and exciting walk to school events in your community. Communities and schools can use Walk to School Month as a [...]
September 22 is Car Free Day; an international event celebrated every year to encourage people to get Car Free or Car-Lite. You can walk, bike, take the transit, carpool, vanpool, or telecommute. [...]
“Street Smart NJ” targets speed, distractedness and safety awareness for motorists and pedestrians The Street Smart campaign kicked-off today, Tuesday September 12, with earlier safety [...]
In a post from November of last year, we talked about the NJ electric vehicles incentives and how the state is working to increase the number of chargers available to reduce “range anxiety.” As a [...]
NJ Transit restores full service. Phase One of Amtrak’s track renewal project is complete and NJ Transit will restore full service to and from Penn Station New York, starting September 5, [...]