What is Street Smart NJ?
Street Smart NJ is a statewide public education, awareness and behavioral change campaign to address pedestrian safety. The campaign aims to raise awareness of motorist and pedestrian laws and change the behaviors that lead to pedestrian and cyclist crashes and fatalities.
GMTMA is working to spread the campaign further by providing technical assistance to municipalities in Mercer and Ocean County to implement their own campaign.
Why New Jersey?
The Federal Highway Administration has identified New Jersey as a pedestrian “focus” state due to a high incidence of pedestrian injuries and fatalities. Pedestrian deaths accounted for 28.7 percent of all crash-related fatalities in New Jersey from 2011 through 2015, nearly double the national average of 15 percent. From 2011 through 2015, 765 pedestrians were killed and more than 22,000 injured on state roadways.
- Change pedestrian and motorist behavior in order to reduce the incidence of pedestrian injuries and fatalities on New Jersey’s roadways.
- Educate motorists and pedestrians about their roles and responsibilities for safely sharing the road.
- Increase enforcement of pedestrian safety laws and roadway users’ awareness of that effort
The Street Smart Campaign focuses on these tips/laws correlate to existing traffic signage – speed signs, stop signs, traffic signals, and crosswalks:
- Obey Speed Limits
- Stop for Pedestrians
- Wait for the Walk
- Use Crosswalks
- Heads Up, Phones Down

How does a municipality implement a Street Smart Campaign?
Communities that are interested in conducting a Street Smart campaign are encouraged to contact GMTMA at 609 452-1491 or email
GMTMA can serve as the lead organization for the campaign working with a committee of stakeholders such as the police, public health, schools, pedestrian/bicycle groups, and elected officials. Marketing, street level outreach and law enforcement efforts are all part of the campaign.
Street Smart NJ is coordinated by the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority and supported by federal and state funds, and contributions from local partners.
Pedestrian and Motorist Laws
At intersections where traffic is directed by a police officer or a traffic signal, no pedestrian shall enter upon or cross the highway at a point other than a crosswalk. (39:4-33.) Where traffic is not controlled and directed either by a police officer or a traffic control signal, pedestrians shall cross the roadway within a crosswalk, or, in the absence of a crosswalk, and where not otherwise prohibited, at right angles to the roadway. (39:4-34) Violation of 39:4-32 and 33 carries a $54 fine for failure to obey the law.
No pedestrian shall cross a roadway against the “stop” or red signal at a cross walk whether marked or unmarked, unless otherwise specifically directed by a police officer or traffic control device.
The driver of a vehicle shall STOP and remain stopped to allow a pedestrian to cross the roadway within a marked crosswalk, when the pedestrian is upon or within one lane of the half of the roadway upon which the vehicle is traveling or onto which it is turning. Violation of 39:4-32 and 36 carries a $200 fine, 2 motor vehicle points and the possible imposition of 15 days of community service.
The driver of every vehicle shall, consistent with the requirements of this section, drive at an appropriate reduced speed when approaching and crossing an intersection or railway grade crossing, when approaching and going around a curve, when approaching a hill crest, when traveling upon any narrow or winding roadway, and when special hazard exists with respect to pedestrians or other traffic or by reason of weather or highway conditions.
The use of a wireless telephone or electronic communication device by an operator of a moving motor vehicle on a public road or highway shall be unlawful except when the telephone is a hands-free wireless telephone or the electronic communication device is used hands-free, provided that its placement does not interfere with the operation of federally required safety equipment and the operator exercises a high degree of caution in the operation of the motor vehicle.