Make your property stand out. Transportation options are highly sought after by both commercial and residential tenants. Providing commute friendly amenities attracts business and promotes happy and satisfied tenants. GMTMA can help you find commute-friendly options for your tenants and keep your buildings in demand. Our partnership can pay big dividends.


Transportation Management. Let us help you determine the transportation needs of your tenants. GMTMA can provide planning assistance to customize a transportation program for your property that improves the tenant experience and sustainability goals.

Bus and Shuttle Service Development and Administration. Our professional staff can help you develop and implement shuttle bus service to connect with public transit, park and rides or between facilities. We can also manage the entire operation for you by contracting with service providers, handling customer service and providing detailed ridership reports.

Good Moves. Greater Mercer TMA offers personalized transportation plans to Mercer and Ocean county residents and employees. FREE personalized bike maps, transit schedules, carpool matching, and more.

On-site fairs and marketing materials. We can host a transportation fair for your tenants and provide the latest commute information, access to rideshare matching, transit schedules, and bike and walk information. We’ll create the event flyer too!

Bike Share Assistance Bike share is an innovative program that attracts tenants and allows for easy travel between buildings, around town, to pick up lunch, or just for fun. We can help you get started.

Lunch and Learn We offer topical programs on transportation issues affecting employers and employees.

Educational Programs Greater Mercer TMA educational programs improve safety, mobility and sustainability. Programs include travel training for senior citizens and inexperienced transit users and bike and pedestrian safety classes.

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