Attention bike commuters – contact your employer to get your IRS Bike Commuter Tax Benefit! You can be reimbursed up to $20/month in which you bike commute at least 10 days. How does it [...]
[youtube=] After a year of bike commuting from Princeton Junction to Carnegie Center in West Windsor, I’ve learned a very important lesson – timing is [...]
The Valentine’s Day “Love in Transit” contest is back this year! As we said before, you do not fall in love while driving alone in your car! Cupid’s arrow can strike in unlikely places–and [...]
The answer: Ford (Executive Chairman of Ford Motor Company) is looking for ways to keep our freedom to move around while we reduce the emissions of CO2 and spend less time in traffic. An [...]
Five years after Montclair and NJDOT adopted New Jersey’s leading Complete Streets policies, this week Mercer County became the first to have all roads covered – state, county and [...]