Attention bike commuters – contact your employer to get your IRS Bike Commuter Tax Benefit! You can be reimbursed up to $20/month in which you bike commute at least 10 days.
How does it work? You have to get your employer to agree to the program, which involves tracking your bike commuting days and documenting your bike commuting expenses, such as for a new bike, helmet, bike lights, fixing brakes, winter tires, new chain, etc.
See the picture for a sample form to document which days you commute by bike. For expenses, just keep your receipts and submit them to your employer before you lose them (maybe you’re more organized about paper than I). At least for GMTMA’s program, receipts and the commuter tracking log are collected at the end of the year, and a reimbursement check is then issued – it’s that simple. Theoretically, your employer may choose to reimburse you each month.
For more information, contact and/or see: