In a post from November of last year, we talked about the NJ electric vehicles incentives and how the state is working to increase the number of chargers available to reduce “range anxiety.”
As a reminder, there is a $7,500 federal tax credit for drivers of All-electric or Hybrid Plug-in vehicles. For companies in NJ wishing to upgrade their facilities, there is over $725,000 in grants in the “It Pay$ to Plug-In” program.
As for availability of chargers, here is some of the info we have found: compiled a list of websites and apps that can help you find an EV charger and some of these apps and websites even specify the level of charging available. Here are the links to these apps and websites: Plugshare and Open Charge Map
We also found and tested (caption below), which gives you the option to locate chargers by zip code, details on whether the chargers are public, whether they are fast charging, and what are the costs.
And if you are out of charge and nowhere near a charger, AAA can provide Level 2 and Level 3 roadside charging assistance. You can also ask your insurance company if they offer roadside charging assistance.
There are three types of electric vehicle charging equipment:
Level 1 charging takes 8 to 12 hours to charge a depleted battery completely and provides charging through a 120 V, AC plug. This charger is usually found in owner’s home and requires a connector.
Level 2 charging takes 4-6 hours to completely charge and provides charging through a 240 V, AC plug. Compatible with all electric and hybrid vehicles, it has a cord that plugs directly into the vehicle. You are likely to find one in public parking areas and commercial settings.
Level 3 charging provides an 80% charge in 30 minutes, and it is not compatible with all vehicles.
Level 3 Tesla Supercharger only works for Tesla Model S and provides half a charge in 20 minutes.
For more details, go to
Let us know if you have any questions about Electric vehicles, chargers, or if you want to share your experience with one.