Fine Particulate Matter – Wood Smoke GMTMA’s main focus is on transportation which includes air pollution that comes from vehicles. Transportation is one of the largest contributors to air [...]
And that means it’s our busy season at Greater Mercer TMA. We’re sponsoring and co-sponsoring a number of events and activities. Get on your bike and get involved! Contact Rebecca at [...]
Mercer County New Jersey received a big fat “F” in Ozone air pollution and a “C” for particle pollution in the American Lung Association’s State of the Air Report: 2012. Ozone and particle [...]
With crowds expected to exceed 40,000 and multiple road closures planned at Saturday’s Communiversity festival in Princeton, avoiding downtown is a good idea. Fortunately, you can still [...]
Don’t forget! This Thursday April 19, from 12:15pm – 1:00pm GMTMA is participating in a great FREE webinar on how to start a Walking School Bus in your town. Anyone interested in the [...]
If car keys are the first thing that you reach for when you leave your house, your recent trips to the gas station may have been quite shocking. As gas prices keep increasing more people are [...]
This Thursday April 19, from 12:15pm – 1:00pm GMTMA is participating in a great FREE webinar on how to start a Walking School Bus in your town. Anyone interested in the well-being of our [...]
We were delighted to learn last month that the Trenton City Council unanimously approved a Complete Streets policy for the City of Trenton, which is an important step towards making [...]
A new special issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine released this week contains six studies that rely on geographic mapping data to show how location impacts health, according to [...]
American motorists drove less last year than any since 1995, according to a recently released report from USPIRG and Frontier Group. According to the report, since the middle of the last decade, [...]