With crowds expected to exceed 40,000 and multiple road closures planned at Saturday’s Communiversity festival in Princeton, avoiding downtown is a good idea. Fortunately, you can still participate in Communiversity without getting stuck in traffic or endlessly searching for scarce parking spots by taking the FreeB shuttle to town on Saturday.
The annual town and gown festival, Communiversity, is sponsored by the Arts Council of Princeton and Princeton University and will run from noon to 5 p.m. Nassau Street will be blocked off from Washington Road to Chambers Street, and Witherspoon Street will be blocked off from Nassau to Wiggins.
The Princeton FreeB‘s regular route and schedule have been modified for the special occasion and will make loops through town between noon and 5 p.m., making stops at Elm Court, the Princeton Shopping Center, the Princeton Township Municipal Building and the corner of Witherspoon Sreet and Wiggins.
The route begins at noon from the Princeton Township municipal complex, continues down Witherspoon to Wiggins/Paul Robeson, right, continue on Hodge to Elm, Elm to Elm Court housing, Elm Rd. to Mountain Rd., Rt. 206 to Valley, Valley to Witherspoon, continue on Valley Rd. To Princeton Shopping Center. The bus returns via Valley to Witherspoon and the Township Municipal Complex. Additionally, the FreeB will make other stops along the route if it is safe for the driver to do so.
To view or print a copy of the schedule and route, go to Fesitval FreeB . For more Information, call Greater Mercer TMA at (609) 452-1491.
For a full schedule of Communiversity performances, vendors and community organizations participating, visit www.artscouncilofprinceton.org. Greater Mercer TMA will have a table at the event (booth #52) right next to the West Windsor Bicycle Pedestrian Alliance (booth #51). Come find us for info on Bike to Work Week, Safe Routes to School, carpooling, Ride Provide, green commuting options, and more!