Getting more people out of their cars and onto their feet is a complicated undertaking. You have to grapple with road design, sidewalk maintenance, peoples’ affection for their cars, [...]
We were excited to learn that this past Tuesday night, the Township of Maplewood adopted a Complete Streets policy. The policy, which was unanimously approved by the township committee, is [...]
Findings from a new report by the Alliance for Biking & Walking are bound to make bikers and walkers all warm and fuzzy inside. The report, Bicycling and Walking in the US: 2012 Benchmarking [...]
Monday February 20 is Presidents’ Day. You might have off of work, your kids might have off of school. You might be thinking of doing a little local day trip. There’s no better way to [...]
This article in the Princeton Packet reminded us of a very cool, and often overlooked, free shuttle service in Princeton — the Daytime FreeB. The Princeton Daytime FreeB is a free — [...]
Do you get GMTMA’s email newsletter, EConnections yet? If you don’t, you’re missing out! Sign up today by emailing us. In our most recent issue (PDF), you’ll read about: Long-time GMTMA member [...]
If you’re a regular reader of this blog, or if you follow bike culture at all, you probably already know that the Dutch love their bicycles. Cycling has become a huge part of their culture. [...]
From our friends over at the baddriversmakemecrazy blog, we’re reminded of the importance of safe pedestrian behavior and how knowing the pedestrian rules of the road is so important for [...]
There’s a lot going on today, transportation-wise, we can’t decide what to blog about. So we’re starting a new feature here at On the Move: the News Roundup. We welcome your [...]
A great and informative blog post today at one of our colleague blogs, the New Jersey Walks & Bikes blog, about the New Jersey Department of Transportation’s “Safe Streets to [...]