Employers and workers in the United States have an increased interest in health and well-being. And since we spend most of our day at work, our work environment can have an effect on our productivity, creativity, and health. According to an article in greenbiz.com employees are now (yes, particularly the millennials) starting to demand amenities that support their health and well-being. They are looking for sustainable workplaces that also have amenities such as fitness rooms and rooftop gardens, located in sustainable communities with access to green spaces, bike lanes, public transit, EV charging stations, and pedestrian friendly.
Research shows that employees who work in a green-certified building are not only more likely to remain on the job for a long time but also have 61 percent higher cognitive scores than their peers who work in conventional environments.
Large employers that have implemented green retrofits participated in a survey and indicated the following improvements: over 90 percent said that they had greater ability to attract talent; over 80 percent said they saw greater employee retention and improvement in workforce productivity, 75 percent saw improvements in employee health, and all of them indicate an increase in goodwill/brand equity. So what’s good for the employees is good for the bottom line.
And if you are an employer in Mercer or Ocean County that offers these types of benefits to employees, let us know. Our mission is to further sustainability and we offer a Free employer recognition program- the New Jersey Smart Workplaces (NJSW). The NJSW program recognizes employers who demonstrate leadership by providing and promoting quality commuter benefits to their employees, therefore reducing congestion and improving air quality.
Employers are recognized at one of four levels of achievement: bronze, silver, gold or platinum based upon the programs offered at the worksite. Employer benefits may include providing employees with telecommute options and flextime work schedules and providing carpool and vanpool information, last mile shuttles and facilities for bicycle commuters.
You get recognition, attract and retain top talent, and support their health and well-being.
To learn more go to https://gmtma.org/nj-smart-workplaces/ or give us a call at (609) 452-1491 ext. 223.