Welcome to the episode page for the season one finale of our podcast, Mobility Minute. We’re looking back on the highlights of our successful 15-episode run. This is where you can find all the links and resources you heard about on our podcast.
Episode 1: What
is Greater Mercer TMA?
- Transportation and Air Quality https://gmtma.org/air-quality/
- Bus and Train Service https://gmtma.org/bus-train-service/
- Commuter Mobility Guides https://gmtma.org/mobility-guide/
- Community Education https://gmtma.org/community-education-programs-services/
- Biking https://gmtma.org/biking/
- Street Smart https://gmtma.org/street-smart/
- Safe Routes to School https://gmtma.org/safe-routes-to-school/
- Senior Transportation https://gmtma.org/senior-programs/
- Ride Provide https://rideprovide.org/
Episode 2: Who Makes Transportation Planning Decisions? with Jeff Perlman
- North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA) https://www.njtpa.org/Home.aspx
- Plan 2050 https://www.njtpa.org/Planning/Plans-Guidance/Plan-2050.aspx
- Together North Jersey https://togethernorthjersey.com/
- Regional Planning Studies https://www.njtpa.org/Planning/Regional-Programs/Studies.aspx
- Transportation Improvement Program https://www.njtpa.org/NJTPA/media/Documents/Projects-Programs/Transportation-Improvement-Program-(TIP)/FY-22-Study-and-Development-Program.pdf?ext=.pdf
Episode 3: Why Does Traffic Congestion Happen?
- Why Traffic Congestion Is Here to Stay. . . and Will Get Worse (Anthony Downs, Access Magazine, 2004) https://www.accessmagazine.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/2016/07/Access-25-04-Traffic-Congestion-is-Here-to-Stay.pdf
- American Public Transportation Association – Public Transportation Facts https://www.apta.com/news-publications/public-transportation-facts/
- NJ Transit Earth Day 2021 https://www.njtransit.com/press-releases/nj-transit-services-are-easy-way-go-green-earth-day-and-every-day
- NJ Department of Environmental Protection – Transportation Emissions https://www.drivegreen.nj.gov/dg-emissions.html
- How Sitting in Traffic Jams Can Harm Your Health (Yvette Brazier, Medical News Today, 2016) https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/312570
- Traffic Related Air Pollution and Respiratory Morbidity (Luigi Vimercati, Lung India, 2011) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3213707/
- Bureau of Transportation Statistics – US Commute Mode https://www.bts.gov/browse-statistical-products-and-data/state-transportation-statistics/commute-mode
Episode 4: How Do We Start Driving Less?
- https://www.americanprogress.org/article/its-easy-being-green-walking-vs-driving-is-a-no-brainer/
- https://www.heraldnet.com/ne
- ws/after-a-pandemic-car-crash-i-want-to-drive-a-lot-less/
- https://www.epa.gov/greenvehicles/what-if-we-kept-our-cars-parked-trips-less-one-mile
- https://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/features/walk-more-drive-less
- https://www.epa.gov/transportation-air-pollution-and-climate-change/what-you-can-do-reduce-pollution-vehicles-and
- https://the-green-corner.com/drive-less-walk-more-its-a-choice
Episode 5: Who’s In Charge of Clean Air? with Sean Greene
- Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) https://www.dvrpc.org/
- Air Quality https://www.dvrpc.org/airquality
- Planning Assistance https://www.dvrpc.org/planning
Episode 6: What makes a Walkable and Bikeable Neighborhood?
- Americans Want Walkable Cities https://www.wpr.org/more-americans-want-walkable-cities-how-does-happen
- NJ Bicycle and Pedestrian Resource Center http://njbikeped.org/complete-streets-2/
- NJDOT Complete Streets https://www.state.nj.us/transportation/eng/completestreets/
- NJ Safe Routes Resource Program https://www.saferoutesnj.org/complete-streets-in-new-jersey/
- NJTPA and Compete Streets https://www.njtpa.org/completestreets.aspx
- Drive Less NJ (NJ DEP) https://www.driveless.com/completestreets/
Episode 7: How do we start making our streets safer for all people? with Leigh Ann Von Hagen
- Safe Routes to School Resource Center http://saferoutesnj.org/
- Bicycle and Pedestrian Resource Center, http://njbikeped.org/
- School Crossing Guard Training program. http://njcrossingguards.org/
To contact the NJ Bicycle and Pedestrian Resource Center:
Telephone: (848) 932-2899
Fax number: (732) 932-3714
Email: bikeped@ejb.rutgers.edu
Or reach them on Twitter @njbikeped!
To contact the Safe Routes Resource Center:
Telephone: (848) 932-7901
Fax number: (732) 932-3714
Email: srts@ejb.rutgers.edu
Episode 8: How Is New Jersey Getting Ready for Electric Vehicles?
Find the episode article page at this link. https://gmtma.org/episode-8-resources-electric-vehicle-nj/
Episode 9: What are Some Challenges and Benefits of Electric Vehicle Adoption? with Sean Greene
- Electric Vehicle Clearing House – https://www.dvrpc.org/EnergyClimate/ElectricVehicle/
All Greater Mercer TMA’s resources on Electric Vehicles https://gmtma.org/category/electric-vehicles/
Episode 10: What is TDM?
- Transportation Demand Management https://ops.fhwa.dot.gov/plan4ops/trans_demand.htm
- Integrating Demand Management into the Transportation Planning Process: A Desk Reference https://ops.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/fhwahop12035/fhwahop12035.pdf
- Active Transportation and Demand https://ops.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/fhwahop19079/fhwahop19079.pdf
- Strengthening Linkages between Transportation Demand Management and Traffic Management https://ops.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/fhwahop18072/index.htm
- https://mobilitylab.org/about-us/what-is-tdm/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transportation_demand_management
Episode 11: How do we apply traffic demand management (TDM) in our neighborhoods? with Justin Schor
- Wells + Associates https://www.wellsandassociates.com/team/justin-schor/
- Building a Multimodal Future: A Book for Everyone Who Works with TDM Policies Building a Multimodal Future: A Book for Everyone Who Works with TDM Policies.
Episode 12: How do we make public transit more equitable? with Jerome Horne
- Transit Center https://transitcenter.org/welcome-jerome-horne-transitcenters-new-director-of-transit-leadership-development/
- Equity in Practice: A Guidebook for Transit Agencies (2021) – https://transitcenter.org/publication/equity-in-practice-a-guidebook-for-transit-agencies/
- Transit Equity Dashboard (New!) – https://dashboard.transitcenter.org/
Episode 13: How do we advocate for a more bikeable and walkable region? with Sonia Szczesna
- Sonia Szesnahttps://www.soniasz.com/about
- Tri-State Transportation https://www.tstc.org/
- Trenton Cycle https://www.trentoncycling.org/
- WWBA https://wwbpa.org/
- Circuit Trails https://www.circuittrails.org/
- Vision Zero https://www.visionzero4nj.org/
Episode 14: What is a 15-Minute City?
- https://mrsc.org/Home/Stay-Informed/MRSC-Insight/October-2021/What-is-a-15-Minute-City.aspx
- https://www.cnu.org/publicsquare/2021/02/08/defining-15-minute-city