Interested in learning the basics of Safe Routes to School but you couldn’t watch our live webinar yesterday? No problem. A recording of the webinar, “Walking and Biking to School: Inspiring Safer, Healthier, More Active Students,” has been made available on the Safe Routes to School Resource Center website. View the webinar by clicking here. The webinar is the first link listed under “Safe Routes to School Educational Programs and Webinars.”
The webinar was titled, “Walking and Biking to School: Inspiring Safer, Healthier, More Active Students,” and during the 45 minute session, you’ll learn the basics of New Jersey’s Safe Routes to School program, why SRTS is so important, how to engage your community, practical strategies to get kids walking and biking to school, and how your TMA can help you get a program off the ground.
On Thursday, GMTMA is participating in a great FREE webinar on the Safe Routes to School program. Anyone interested in the well-being of our children, our air quality, and our public health should sign up for this 45-minute webinar — parents, teachers, school administrators, law enforcement officials, elected officials, and any other interested citizens. The webinar is titled, “Walking and Biking to School: Inspiring Safer, Healthier, More Active Students,” and during the 45 minute session, you’ll learn the basics of New Jersey’s Safe Routes to School program, why SRTS is so important, how to engage your community, practical strategies to get kids walking and biking to school, and how your TMA can help you get a program off the ground.