Sure, the weather has been less than perfect this week, and maybe the rain kept a few (or a lot) of you from hopping on your bike to celebrate Bike to Work week…but sunny, warm days are ahead. Take inspiration to ride more from those that participated last year.
We’ve shared some of the feedback from last year’s riders, and added our comments in response to theirs; we hope they read this post.
Don P. – “Next year could you please reserve better weather? Between Monday’s wind and the heat on Thursday/Friday I don’t remember a B2W Week with such challenging weather. I know people like to say: “Theirs never bad weather just bad clothing” but I think wind is the exception to that “rule.” Bike more drive less.”
GMTMA –Don, our apologies but we couldn’t get a whole week for nice weather, we hope you will still be our long time rider. We will give it another try next year. (Whoops, looks like we messed up again!)
Carol S. – “It’s been a great week albeit a little bit hot (haha!). Had some really good rides commuting and had some very kind drivers on the roads this week. Thank you to all the drivers who helped to make my commute enjoyable. “
GMTMA – Carol, we hope drivers will be nice to you again this year
Jessica D. – “ I look forward to this week all year! It feels like the one week out of the year when I am normal when I know that there are lots of others out there. On Tuesday I picked up a used trumpet for my daughter. When the person saw that I had planned to bike with it he was confused. I reassured him that this was nothing compared to what I have managed to carry on my bike! It brought me back to when I used to bike with a bassoon on the left handle bar a trumpet on the right and a clarinet an oboe and some scores in my backpack! Now that was a challenge! Glad I was an invincible twenty-year old; I might be a little more cautious now. Thank you for all that you do to promote safe biking! I really appreciate it!”
GMTMA – Jessica, we can’t wait to hear from you again this year, we always enjoy your comments and your pictures. You really make the most of your bike!
Michael L. – “The weather was good the days were warm it was easy to get on the bike and go to work. Would do the ride every day. Didn’t realize how fun it was to go to work. “
GMTMA – Michael we hope you already started having fun biking to work again this year. Let us know how it goes.
Jim S. – “On one ride I saw a fox some poppies and a whole banana in the road! Biking allows me to be more observant and it’s much easier to stop and take pictures of interesting things. “
GMTMA – Jim, we can’t wait to see what your bike commute brings this year
Lance P. – “Biking to work starts the day off with some great exercise and really energizes me for the day. Knowing I can bike as opposed to drive makes me feel closer to home when I work and I feel a greater sense of community. Finally the D&R canal offers the opportunity to see a wide array of wildlife bringing a much needed sense of serenity and perspective to my life. In particular I’ve “befriended” a great blue heron along the canal (often near the Quakerbridge road bridge).”
GMTMA – Lance, that is such a great way to express why commuting by bike is such a good idea. We can’t wait to hear what was like for you this year.
Peter G. – “I would have biked anyway but I loved the sense of camaraderie around the national event. One driver even gave me a thumbs up. As always I wish there were a safer passage from Princeton across Canal Pt. and Rt. 1 — even just signs and flashing lights. I’m sure more events like this will bring more attention where it’s due. Thanks!”
GMTMA – Peter, that is why we keep organizing this event, we love to see the sense of camaraderie and the energy . And you are right, having more people participate in the event and spreading the word that events like this are being organized in our communities will raise awareness. And, we are conducting a trail study; see how you can help
We would like to thank everyone who participates, shares comments, photos, log their miles, and share their experiences. This is very helpful for us, helps us spread awareness and grow the event every year.
Also many thanks to our long time sponsors and our new sponsors for their generosity and their continued support: Kopp’s Cycle, REI Princeton, Whole Earth Center, Zvelta, St Lawrence Rehab Center, and Wegmans Princeton.
Happy Trails!