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On average, in America, it takes a person 25.4 minutes to get to work. This great new map, put together by WNYC, lets you explore the commute times of Americans all over the country. In the GMTMA region, our commutes are longer than average; most of our region is in the 30-35 minute (each way) zone, but a few portions are worse than that. People near Trenton tend to have shorter commutes, probably because so many of them are commuting to jobs in the state’s capitol.

Commute times can be a major problem, and simply moving closer to your job, or getting a job close to where you live, isn’t always feasible in today’s difficult job and housing market. So what’s a stressed-out commuter to do?

GMTMA can help you figure out alternative ways to get around. Check out our Employer Services to learn about how we can help employers encourage their workforce to leave the cars at home; learn about our programs for commuters, including carpooling and vanpooling; check out our Community Programs and learn about how GMTMA can help your community implement a wide variety of policies and programs that improve safety, mobility and sustainability; get involved in our Safe Routes to School program, which helps kids and their parents get to school safely without driving; learn how to ride your bike more; or figure out ways to ride the bus or train more often. Contact GMTMA — we can help you, your office, or your school figure out alternative ways to get around.

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