It is about that time in January when some people abandon their new year’s resolutions. But, you can be the exception. Drive less, save money, manage stress, be environmentally friendly, and get to work/home on time! Give carpooling a try this year.
You don’t need a carpool app, GMTMA can help you safely set up or join a carpool and make sure you have a way to go home in case of an emergency. Our Emergency Ride Home program gives registered carpoolers a free lift home if they have to leave early or stay late at work.
Last year over 2,600 people in Mercer and Ocean counties used our Rideshare services. Here is what you need to know:
- We use a carpool database
- Your information is secure
- We look for a match that will fit your schedule
- You can sign up here
- You get an Emergency Ride Home free lift when you need it
- Oh yes… and it’s all FREE
If you’re not sure where to start and who might have a similar schedule, try joining a work carpool. You can check our classifieds page to see if your coworkers are looking to carpool.
Don’t forget to also register and log your trips at and enjoy cash back for online purchases you make at thousands of popular retailers.
If you have any questions, please let us know.