In Policy, Public Health, Safety, Transit, Transportation, Transportation & Land Use, Walking

According to a recent news article, NJ Residents are responding to the 2020 census at a lower rate than the national average.  

Did you know that census data helps communities respond to natural disasters and secure funding for hospitals and fire departments?  

The recent public health crisis shows how critical it is that everyone is counted. Census results help determine how billions of dollars in federal funds are spent each year for services like health clinics, fire department, schools, transportation, and much more.  

The results will be used by lawmakers, business owners and many others to make critical decisions such as the location of new schools and clinics and where more services for children, families, and older adults are needed 

Census results are used to inform how hundreds of billions of dollars are allocated to programs including Medicaid, Head Start, SNAP, and block grants to Community Mental Health Services.

Businesses use the census results to make business decisions, spot trends and make projections. Business owners use the Census data to determine where to open new offices, expand operations, where to hire more people, and what products and services to offer.  

YOUR MORNING COMMUTE is influenced by the census. Results have an influence on grants for public transit systems and highway planning and construction.  

Local schools depend on the Census results to receive money for the Head Start program and grants for teachers and special education.  

The Census results determine how many seats in Congress each state gets. 

And the list goes on to programs that support rural areas, to restore wildlife, to prevent child abuse, to prepare for wildfires, and to provide housing assistance for older adults. 

Homes began receiving their invitation to respond to the 2020 Census  in March. These official Census Bureau mailings included detailed information and a Census ID for completing the Census online. 

You have the option to respond online, by phone, or by mail. Your answers are important and will be kept anonymous. By law, your answers can’t be used against you by any government agency or court.   

Take the time to be counted! 


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