In Bicycling, bike rack maps, Bike to work, Public Health, walk and bike to school


May is National Bike Month, and Greater Mercer Transportation Management Association (GMTMA) is celebrating again this year with Bike to Work Week events to encourage people to get on their bikes and discover the benefits and joy of cycling. The motto this year is “Biking: Happy You, Healthy Earth!”

Registration for Bike to Work Week and Bike Month events is available on  Registrants that log in their miles at the end of the week are entered to win great prizes offered by the following sponsors:  Kopp’s Cycle, Whole Earth Center, Whole Foods Princeton, St. Lawrence Rehab Center, Hart’s Cyclery, McCaffrey’s Supermarket, Knapps Cyclery, Sourland Cycles, and REI.

First 150 registrants get a free t-shirt! REGISTER NOW! 

GMTMA is also sponsoring the following Bike Month events:

Swap A Ride: Don’t bike to work? No problem. Replace as many car trips as possible with bike trips and enter to win prizes!

Employer Bike Challenge: Form a group of fellow employees to participate in Bike to Work Week. Enjoy the camaraderie and the great outdoors with co-workers by commuting to and from work together. AND, get a chance to win our EMPLOYER WHEELS award.

Visions of Bicycling: To celebrate Bike Month and the beauty that is bicycling, GMTMA is hosting a photo contest. Bike to Work Week participants are welcome to submit their photographs. Check out last year’s winning photograph, “Lunchtime Errands”, in the photo above!

 And of course, GMTMA offers information and safety tips for bicyclists and pedestrians of all ages and can provide onsite bike safety and pedestrian education programs for schools and camp programs, businesses, as well as seniors. GMTMA can also help your community do a walkability audit and identify concerns for pedestrians related to the safety, access, comfort and convenience of the walking environment. An audit can also help identify potential solutions such as engineering treatments, policy changes or education and enforcement.

Many thanks to our sponsors!


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