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The Alliance for Biking and Walking recently released their 2014 Benchmarking Report, so let’s look at how New Jersey stacks up against the rest of the country. Most interesting is that NJ ranked 2nd highest median income but the 2nd lowest per capita spending on biking and walking.

Biking and Walking

  • 23rd in commuter bicycling and walking levels
  • 49th in per capita spending on bike/ped projects
  • 30th in cyclist/pedestrian fatality rates
  • 17th in % getting recommended physical activity
  • 32nd in biking to work
  • 17th in walking to work
  • 80% male / 20% female bike to work vs 73 / 27 US
  • 53% male / 47% female walk to work vs 54 / 46 US


  • 11th largest population – 8,792,116
  • 4.5% population growth 2000-2010 vs 9.7% US
  • 1185.3 people/square mile vs 88.1 US – most densely populated
  • 38.9 median age vs 37.3 US
  • $69,911 median income vs $50,502 US – 2nd highest income
  • 10% population below poverty level vs 15.9% US – 4th fewest % poor



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