We are excited to announce that Greater Mercer TMA (GMTMA) is sponsoring the 10th annual Safe Routes to School Bookmark Design Contest for students in grades 3-5. This year’s contest theme: “Walking is fun for all… winter, spring, summer, or fall.”
With spring coming soon, we hope to get students thinking about walking and biking to school. This is a fun and healthy choice for themselves and their community. The winner will receive a $50 gift card, a walking /biking safety kit, and their bookmark will be printed. Winning bookmarks will be printed and distributed to participating school libraries and promoted through our website and other media outlets.
We received so many creative entries in the past 9 years and can’t wait to see the entries for 2023!
Greater Mercer TMA is always available for Safe Routes to School information, free educational programs, and safety discussions. Please visit our website www.gmtma.org for more information on how GMTMA can help your students become more active and live a healthy lifestyle safely. The contest is open to students in Mercer County, Ocean County, and Montgomery Twp. Winners will be selected from both counties (Montgomery entries will be included with Mercer County.) To enter the contest, fill out this form.