Schools in Mercer and Ocean Counties can partner with GMTMA on October 5 to promote pedestrian safety by taking part in National Walk to School Day. Walk to School Day is the ideal opportunity to encourage parents and students to view walking as a healthy and fun alternative to being driven to school. Registration is now open for schools interested in participating in Walk to School Day 2011. By registering, organizers are given access to free downloadable materials including event ideas, certificates and customizable flyers.
You can also win a win a Walk to School Day Safety Kit for your school if you “like” Safe Kids USA’s Facebook page and sign up on their Facebook page. The first 100 to sign up daily will win a Walk to School Day Safety Kit for their school, worth more than $200! You can also download free Walk to School Safety E-Kits and Pedestrian Safety Tip Sheets on their Facebook page.
For assistance in getting an Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program started or organizing an event, contact Rebecca Hersh, GMTMA’s Safe Routes to School Project Manager at rhersh@gmtma.org.