We’ve talked before about how not using a car can save you a lot of money and is great for your health. And most of us know that walking, biking, and riding transit certainly is better for the environment. As noted in this article:
- The typical American family spends almost $8000 a year to own and operate a car, when you count the car payments, gas, oil, maintenance and repairs, licenses, parking, and insurance.
- Transportation of all types accounts for more than 25% of the world’s commercial energy use, and motor vehicles account for nearly 80% of that.
- Cars emit 20 pounds of carbon dioxide (CO2), a heat-trapping, illness-causing gas, for every gallon of gas burned.
Furthermore, at least according to one new study published recently in the British Medical Journal, public bike sharing programs can actually have more health benefits (even taking into account road traffic accidents) beyond the benefits associated with reduced air pollution.
If you have a minute, check out this cool graphic from Care2 that details many various ways biking is good for you and everyone else, too.