While Earth Day is still fresh on everyone’s mind, we wanted to take a minute to share a few ways we can all go green and reduce our carbon footprint. Next year it will be the 50th anniversary of Earth Day and the Earth Day Network’s goal is to reach 3 billion acts of green. This year the total number of acts of green is at… 2,688,209,868. There are a few options to take action and commit to your own act of green (https://www.earthday.org/take-action/).
An excellent way to reduce your carbon footprint is by greening your commute! Here are a few tips:
We can green our commute by choosing a more sustainable transportation option:
Walk or bike to work – Get healthy and improve your mood while going green
Take public transit – Go green and save green
Telecommute – Skip the drive and save some green
Carpool or vanpool – You can start by carpooling once or twice a week…every action adds up
Switch to a four day week – You go green and have a long weekend every week
Drive electric and you drive greener– less than half of the global warming emissions of gasoline powered vehicles
You can try mixing your commute modes, take public transit one day, bike for a couple of days, and carpool another day.
Once you’re at the office there are more opportunities to go green!
Going green at the office
Use a reusable coffee mug
Use a refillable water bottle – reduce plastic waste
Shut down your computer at the end of the day to save energy
Pack your lunch – this way you are not tempted to drive somewhere to buy lunch
You know you want to Go Green! Don’t forget to:
- Register for Bike to Work Week during May 13 –May 17 or Bike to Food and friends during May. Log your miles and get entered to win prizes
- Submit your act of green at https://www.earthday.org/take-action/ so it counts towards the 3 billion acts of green