The Route 1 corridor between New Brunswick and Trenton, which cuts through the heart of the GMTMA region, gained more than 100,000 jobs between 1980 and 2005. As we all know, traffic congestion has increased dramatically during this time period as well. According to a new study by PlanSmart NJ, one of GMTMA’s member organizations, the region is ill equipped to continue this economic growth, because of uncoordinated transportation planning and inadequate zoning for new housing to shelter all these new employees.Back in 1980, there was a one-to-one ratio of jobs to homes in the region. By 2000, the ratio had jumped to almost two-to-one — there were almost two jobs for every home. This imbalance causes traffic congestion to increase during rush hour, as commuters travel farther and farther distances from their homes to reach jobs in the Route 1 corridor. The analysis, commissioned by the New Jersey Department of Transportation, estimates that traffic jams will increase an astounding sevenfold by 2025. Roads will approach Los Angeles-type conditions, and homes will be so scarce that prices will be out of reach for most middle-class families.
Read about the study here: