Companies interested in taking action for clean air are able to buy discounted transit tickets for their employees to use on Air Quality Action Days. The passes are valid during ozone season; May 14th through September 7th. The round trip tickets are $3 and can be used on NJ Transit buses, trains and light rail within New Jersey. They are not eligible for travel to NYC or Philadelphia.
Air Quality Action Days are forecasted when the level of air pollutants (either ozone or particulate matter) are expected to be above the legal limit. To find out when Air Quality Action Days are going to occur, you can sign up for Alerts with enviroflash. When the pollution level reaches or is predicted to reach Code Orange, it is an Air Quality Action Day. NJ counties have different air pollution levels and Action Days; NJ Transit uses the forecast for Newark, NJ to determine if the OzonePass tickets are eligible.
Please let your company know that OzonePasses are now available. For more information contact Lou Capadona at 973.491.7109.