Fall is here and days are shorter, it’s getting dark earlier which means you have to pay extra attention when you are on the road. Drivers should look out for children and make sure they drive the speed limit in the school zone.
October is also for trick-or-treating time, a great reason for both drivers and pedestrians to remember these Halloween Safety tips:
- Be careful when the road is covered in wet leaves, they may cause your car to slip.
- Watch for deer, they are very active between dawn and dusk this time of year
- Pay particular care for bicyclists and pedestrians who can be more difficult to see during low light hours.
- Adjust your lights to low beam when driving through fog
- Always wear your seatbelt and do not use electronic devices while driving.
- Slow down and make sure you pay extra attention in residential neighborhoods.
- Watch for children at intersections, crossways, and curbs.
- Enter and exit driveways and alleys carefully.
- Remember popular times for trick or treating are between 5:30pm and 9:30pm.
- Watch for children dressed in dark colored costumes.
- Eliminate all distractions and turn headlights on early.
- Do not drive while under the influence.
Bicyclists and Pedestrians:
- Make sure you have bright/light clothing, reflective gear, a glow stick, or a reflective band.
- Cyclists must have lights on the front and rear of their bike. It’s safer and the law!
- Pedestrians can also carry a flashlight and should always use the sidewalk when available.
- If possible walk/bike in groups to be more visible.
- Young children should always trick-or-treat with an adult, older children should trick-or-treat in groups.
- Choose the safest routes to walk, try to avoid busy traffic areas, and always walk on the sidewalk. If there are no sidewalks, keep to the left and walk facing traffic. Try to limit the number of street crossings.
- Wear light colored clothing with reflective tape or stickers or put reflective tape on the trick-or-treat bag. Children can carry glow sticks to improve visibility.
- Make sure the costumes don’t make it hard for children to walk and try to avoid face masks because they reduce visibility. Instead children could use face paint.
- Watch for cars turning or pulling out of driveways and don’t cross between parked cars.
- Eliminate distractions, keep your head up, and be alert.
- Carry a flashlight.
Have a Safe and Happy Halloween!